Italy·21 - 23 April 2023

Sail&Climb weekend in Trieste Gulf

3 days of sailing and rock climbing from Venice Laguna to Trieste Gulf.



Trieste is the perfect playground for sailing and rock climbing. Located at the top of the Adriatic Sea, all its coast is surrounded by limestone, high cliffs and the Carso-Karst hills. It offers wonderful climbing in all grades of difficulty, and is often sunny and windy starting from the Spring. Trieste as a sailing spot, is famous for the the Barcolana, one of the most crowded regattas in the world and for its northern to north-eastern katabatic wind, called Bora. There are beautiful small bays and harbors all along the coast of the Trieste Gulf, where we can anchor and head to the cliffs. Some spots we may even be able to climb right in view of our boat, some other to reach, we might need to drive shortly. We will sail close to places all built just on the cliffs above the sea: Castle of Miramare, Duino, Muggia.




The area has countless cliffs. In the Province of Trieste, the rock climbing areas are concentrated in two zones. On one side of the province, there is the coastal area and the Karst embankment. This is where Napoleonic Way is located, with its various sections (the Classica, Scudo, Lastrone Giallo, Mano di Fatima, i Calabroni, etc.) both on the trail and above and below. The area also has the beautiful and tough Costiera ("the cliff"), for true connoisseurs, and the new Costiera, which is just above the sea. Other cliffs are scattered about, including (in Sistiana, Duino and Aurisina). On the opposite side of the province, the Rosandra Valley offers a wide range of activities for mountaineers as well as free climbers. Recommended climbs are the Giardini d'Inverno, with easier routes, and the Parete di Bagnoli (called the "Canarini" by locals), where people who enjoy climbing rock overhangs will not be disappointed.



Sailing in the Gulf of Trieste is a unique experience that combines stunning scenery, challenging winds, and a rich cultural history. Located on the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, the Gulf of Trieste is bordered by Italy to the west and Slovenia to the east, providing sailors with the opportunity to explore two distinct coastal cultures. The prevailing wind in the area is the bora, a cold, dry wind that can reach speeds of over 100 km/h, making sailing in the Gulf of Trieste an exciting and challenging adventure. The gulf is dotted with picturesque coastal towns, such as Trieste, Muggia, and Portoroz, where sailors can dock and explore the local cuisine and cultural attractions. Overall, sailing in the Gulf of Trieste offers a unique and unforgettable experience for both seasoned and novice sailors.



Trieste is a historic city located on the northeastern coast of Italy, bordering Slovenia. The city has a rich and complex history, having been ruled by various empires and nations throughout the centuries, including the Romans, Venetians, Austrians, and Italians. As a result, the city's architecture, culture, and cuisine reflect a unique blend of Italian, Slovenian, and Austrian influences. Trieste is also known for its stunning natural beauty, including the Gulf of Trieste and the nearby Karst Plateau. The city is home to several cultural landmarks, such as the Castle of Miramare, the Teatro Romano, and the Cathedral of San Giusto. Today, Trieste is a thriving cosmopolitan city, known for its vibrant cultural scene, lively port area, and excellent cuisine, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.




Race&Cruise is a charter company that carefully selects the best professionals and boats. They have lots of experience in the Mediterranean (mainly Adriatic and Tirrean seas) and in the Canary Islands.



This is the schedule for the week. The program can change depending on the weather conditions and what you decide to do as a group with the guide. In the FAQs, you can find possible variations of the schedule.




Day 1

Check in and first climbing day

In Monfalcone, we convene at 10 a.m. to kick-start our adventure. Following a comprehensive briefing, we acquaint ourselves with the boat, settle into our bunks, familiarize ourselves with the galley, and conduct a brief equipment check for climbing. With everything in order, we embark on a short sail to Duino Marina, where our first climb awaits us against the stunning backdrop of the cliffs beneath Duino Castle. For those new to climbing, worry not; there will be ample time for a beginner's lesson to delve into this exhilarating sport.

After conquering the cliffs, we indulge in a leisurely stroll along the Rilke Trail, renowned for its breathtaking views of the Gulf of Trieste, linking Duino to the picturesque bay of Sistiana. As the evening descends, we retreat to the boat for a delightful dinner on board, followed by a restful overnight stay at anchor, ready to embrace the adventures of the following day.


Day 2

Sailing and climbing in Trieste Gulf

At the break of dawn, we'll bid adieu to Sistiana and set sail towards the charming port of Aurisina Mare, nestled along the enchanting Trieste coast. Upon arrival, we'll disembark and venture along the picturesque Fishermen's Trail, eventually ascending to the Karst Edge where an exhilarating climbing experience awaits us, boasting awe-inspiring vistas of the Gulf of Trieste.

As the sun begins its descent, we'll reconvene on board in the early afternoon and navigate towards the tranquil bay of Grignano, home to the majestic Castle of Miramare. Here, we'll moor for the night in the marina, indulging in a delectable dinner on board, surrounded by the serenity of our coastal surroundings.


Day 3

Last day!

Following a hearty breakfast, we'll step ashore for a refreshing morning jaunt to Miramare Park, immersing ourselves in the splendor of this coastal promontory and marveling at the diverse flora it boasts. Venturing onward, we'll soon find ourselves at one of the iconic limestone cliffs dotting the Trieste coastline, ready to tackle their magnificent heights.

As the day progresses, we'll regroup on board in the early afternoon to commence our homeward journey back to Monfalcone. Our sails set for adventure, we'll bid farewell to the coastal vistas and relish in the memories created. Anticipate arriving back at Monfalcone around 5 p.m., concluding our unforgettable voyage."

What's Included

What's Included

Climbing safety equipment

Certified guide

Certified skipper

2 nights on board


Restaurants and bars

Anything not detailed in the "What's included" section

Trieste Gulf, Italy

A Weekend Adventure of Climbing and Sailing in the Gulf of Trieste

The Gulf of Trieste is a shallow bay of the Adriatic Sea, located between the Istrian Peninsula and the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The region has a rich and complex history, having been ruled by various empires and nations throughout the centuries, including the Romans, Venetians, Austrians, and Italians. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Trieste, located at the northernmost point of the gulf, became a major port city and a hub of international trade, attracting people from all over Europe and the Mediterranean. Today, the Gulf of Trieste is a popular tourist destination, known for its picturesque coastal towns, stunning natural beauty, and unique cultural heritage. The region is home to numerous historical and cultural landmarks, such as Miramare Castle, Duino Castle, and the Cathedral of San Giusto. The Gulf of Trieste is also renowned for its cuisine, which combines Italian, Slovenian, and Croatian influences, reflecting the region's complex history and diverse cultural heritage.

Trieste Gulf, Italy

Trip Tips

Climbing Skills

Climbing Skills

There is no minimum level required for this trip as you will be accompanied at all times by a certified guide. However, due to the nature of Sardinia's crags, you will get the most out of the trip if you already have a little climbing experience and good level of fitness!



Fjello selects local partners with the utmost care. For any inaccuracies, however, we can not accept any liability. Climbing and sailing are a risky sports that takes place in nature. Ultimately, you are fully responsible for the choices you make. Fjello recommends that anyone who does not have sufficient knowledge and skills not go outdoor alone. All our trips include a local certified guide who will take care of your group. Enjoy your adventures safely with first-hand information from the locals.



Please DO NOT book your flights until this trip is confirmed. Most of our trips require a minimum number of participants to run. Wait for the status of the trip to be confirmed and for more information go to the "How it works" section

You'll Be Staying Here

46-foot Bavaria sailboat

46-foot Bavaria sailboat

Our base camp (and means of transport) will be a 46-foot Bavaria sailboat. The boat boasts 4 double cabins and 2 beds in the dinet, a small kitchen, and an extensive deck perfect for sunbathing! Be prepared to help out with the sailing and certain onboard chores.

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Sail&Climb weekend in Trieste Gulf

Italy· 21 - 23 April 2023· 2 nights