carefully written by climbers and adventurers
We selected six main cathegories for our fjello BLOG:
Read all of our blogposts in chronological order
Frequenting the High Mountains is a challenging activity that cannot be undertaken lightly , and requires a whole series of careful assessments of both one's physical condition and the conditions one will face, and thus also of one's skills and abilities.
A two-handed travelogue by Anna and Ludo climbing and powder skiing on Japanese volcanoes in Hokkaido Island
fjello is sponsor and technological partner of the Verona Climbing Festival (Sept 15-16-17). fjello FIND is the official app of the festival to discover all the events and connect with climbers.
Iceland, often conjured in the mind as a realm of icy landscapes, geysers, and the mesmerizing Northern Lights, is not just a physical land but a confluence of history, literature, and geology. Let's embark on a journey that traverses its diverse terrains, both literary and geological, while unveiling the rich tapestry of its past.
Dru, guttural and syncopated sound. A synthesis, at times dramatic, of the aesthetics and mountaineering aspirations of several generations and schools of extreme climbers: 'One of the purest wonders of the Mont Blanc chain', is how the Vallot Guide, bible of Europe's highest mountain, describes it.
Sir Abercrombie (“Filthy”) Lewker, a former commando and pompous Shakespearean actor is a fictional character invented by the English writer Glynn Carr. Filthy solves murders while mountaineering. One of his deed was the resolution of a mysterious murder in Snowdonia, presented in the book Death on the Milestone Buttress...
First part. Notes and insights of a local climber from Berlin, Germany, who tries to set the inner conflict of being a climber, connected to the mountains, and still deciding to live in a flat big city. Dealing with the opportunities one must forgo, the desire to travel it maintains and the creativity it requires to find what to climb on.
In free climbing, different grading systems exist to provide climbers with a standardized way to communicate and compare the difficulty of climbing routes. These grading systems help climbers understand the challenges they may encounter on a particular route and allow them to make informed decisions about their climbing abilities and goals.
The Dolomites are one of Europe’s most majestic mountains. With their sharp ridges, towering peaks, and sheer walls, the “pale mountains” have attracted climbers worldwide for more than a century. However, Italian climber Emilio Comici defined today's modern climbing in the Dolomites, pioneering some of the most challenging routes in the region.
In the northern part of the Scandinavian lands rise a 90 km mountain range of beautiful white landscape, which, not for nothing, is named after the famous iconic European ridge. The Lyngen Alps are a unique landscape and a tremendous alpine climbing playground, containing around 140 glaciers with summits up to 1833 meters.
Sat 25 Feb 2023
Berlin is a city steeped in history and culture, with a rich and complex past that has left its mark on the urban landscape. For those interested in exploring the city's hidden corners and forgotten spaces, urbex and climbing offer a unique and exciting way to experience Berlin's history and architecture.
Mon 20 Feb 2023
Adventure tourism has grown exponentially worldwide. It is one of the fastest-expanding tourism sectors, and with the post corona opened borders, the opportunities are endless. While a precise evaluation of adventure tourism’s global economic value is not a clear task due to its unrefined scope, its monetary and non-monetary benefits have been highlighted.